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Meet Dr Jon Powderly

Dr Jon Powderly profileDr Jon Powderly has always been passionate about sports, exercise, and health. A gymnastics injury as a teenager first prompted Jon to visit a chiropractor.

The impact of this experience led to him becoming a chiropractor himself. After a foray into physical education teaching, then working alongside physiotherapists for 12 months in a large Melbourne hospital, Dr Powderly began studying chiropractic at R.M.I.T. in Melbourne in 1990.

Healing Outside the Community

After completing his full-time degree, Dr Powderly graduated in 1995 with the “clinical excellence” award for his work in the student clinic. He spent the next five years working in over 20 clinics in five countries.

While living in Barcelona, he set up a volunteer clinic in a drug rehabilitation centre that’s still running to this day, thanks to the great work of local chiropractors.

In the year 2000, Dr Powderly returned to Australia, and after two years of working in a variety of clinics, moved to Canberra to be with his wife, Salena, and opened the Canberra Spine Centre in 2002.

Today’s Practice

Since 1995, Dr Powderly has helped thousands regain health, vitality, and mobility. After the birth of his two children, Dr Powderly developed a particular interest in chiropractic care for kids (paediatrics) and pregnancy care, completing hundreds of hours of education in this area.

These days, Dr Powderly enjoys the opportunity to help a wide variety of clients back to excellent health and function, from children and pregnant women to young adults through to older people who have all but given up hope.


Dr Jon Powderly | (02) 6257 9400